How We Invest
We create investment portfolios specifically designed to help you achieve your financial goals with a level of investment risk that is appropriate for your circumstances, investment experience and preferences
Investment portfolios specifically designed for our individual client objectives
We create investment portfolios specifically designed to help you achieve your financial goals with a level of investment risk that is appropriate for your circumstances, investment experience and preferences. The portfolios we design seek to benefit from rising markets, preserve capital in falling markets and reduce overall portfolio volatility.

Risk Management
We ask detailed questions about your investment experiences through different market cycles, your level of interest and engagement with investment markets and your expectations from investing so that we can gain a deep understanding of the financial goals you are looking to achieve and how we can best help you achieve them.
Maximise after-tax returns
By allocating different investment types to your superannuation, personal, family trust or company portfolios, we can take advantage of each structures’ differing tax characteristics to improve the level of investment returns that actually end up in your pocket.
We have over 20 years’ experience
managing portfolios for clients, and continue to apply that experience on an ongoing basis through proactive management of diversified investment portfolios, including advice about changes in investment markets and new investment opportunities; taking advantage of undervalued sectors, and protecting against overvalued sectors, to reduce risk and to enhance returns across the investment cycle.
Investment portfolios specifically designed for our individual client objectives
Our Investment Philosophy
We believe understanding individual client circumstances and attitudes are critical in designing appropriate investment solutions and managing risk, including cash reserves, liquidity, managing sequencing risk and transition to retirement.
Diversification is key
Asset allocation is the most important determinant of long-term returns. Diversification is key to capital preservation. The ability to dynamically allocate between markets, sectors and investments is important as conditions change over time. A longer-term horizon reduces the uncertainty around investment outcomes.
Reducing portfolio volatility
We use active investment managers in asset classes and subsectors where we believe there is potential for outperformance or reducing portfolio volatility. Index-based investment options (such as ETFs and index funds) and direct investments can be a valuable contributor to portfolio construction and income generation.
Portfolio management should be efficient and cost effective – speed of execution is important to control risk and capture opportunities.